
“Being a disciple means being constantly ready to bring the love of Jesus to others, and this can happen unexpectedly and in any place: on the street, in a city square, during work, on a journey.” ~ Pope Francis



What are you seeking?

Learning new topics is interesting, but if what we learn is not incorporated into a dynamic walk with Christ, we end up just knowledge. If you want to take your faith to the next level... this experience is for you!



The Catechetical Institute invites you to a seven-part experience unlike any other that will not only teach the basics of discipleship but will provide an ongoing initiative to put what you learn into practice! 


Location: St. Joseph the Worker, Maple Grove

Taught by: Jeff Cavins with guest teacher, Dr. Mary Healy

Dates: Thursdays, April 4 - May 16, 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. (Activated Discipleship Seminar July 13, 8 am - 1:30 pm)

Time: 7 PM - 9 PM (Includes the small group dynamic)

Cost: $125 — Cost covers seven lessons taught by Jeff Cavins, *materials (book, 40-Day Challenge Journal, chart, commitment card, kerygma card), and Activated Disciple Seminar registration.

Online Registration: School of Discipleship 2024

Online Registration for St. Joseph the Worker Parishioners: SJTW School of Discipleship

Deadline for Registration is Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024


Got questions? Check out our FAQ page

If you are interested in taking what you have learned and going to the next level, this spectacular experience is for you. You will be joined by people like you—people who have a hunger to live and share their faith. This is the key to our Church growing.

You’ll learn important keys to live your life as a modern disciple:

  • What does it mean to be a modern-day disciple?
  • What are the daily disciplines of a disciple?
  • How do you share your faith with confidence?
  • How do you bring your prayer life to a new level?
  • How do you hear the voice of God in daily prayer?  
Led by Jeff Cavins, CI instructor and former director, this course is not mere teaching but an experience where Jeff will help you create the life you've been longing for as a modern day disciple. If you've ever wondered what it was like to be a disciple 2,000 years ago, walking daily with Jesus, this course is for you! You can experience that life yourself!
In a recent interview, Jeff was asked, "What is the secret to fruitful parishes and thriving families?" Jeff answered, "We will never become the parishes and the families we hope to be if we don't live in relationship with Jesus the way the early disciples did. From morning to night, we must bridge the gap between our faith and everyday life. This is the life of a disciple. Every decision, every word, every action, every purchase is made from the perspective of being a disciple of Christ. Nothing less will do."

 Contact us: Email CI staff